NiftyWallet Transfer

Complete steps for transferring a cat from Kovan to Sokol and back again, using NiftyWallet.

Transfer Cat: Kovan to Sokol

You will need a small amount of KETH to complete the transfer process. You can obtain here:

In order to follow the process with your own kitties, you must first deploy your own contracts and use those contract addresses here.

1) Log into your wallet through the Nifty wallet chrome extension.

Note: This should be the owner wallet address if you followed the deployment process.

2) Select the Kovan Test Network.

3) Add KittyCore contract

  • Copy the contract address. In our example we use our example KittyCore contract address 0x13AC5C6338796a31A39e74D70B0153C1bE5f53B4 . If you deployed your own contract, use the [ Foreign ] kittyCore: 0x........ address from deployment step 5 here.

  • In Nifty Wallet:

    • 1) Open accounts menu and scroll to the bottom

    • 2) Click on Import Account

  • Select Type: Contract

    • 1) paste in the contract address0x13AC5C6338796a31A39e74D70B0153C1bE5f53B4

      The ABI will be fetched automatically.

    • 2) Click Import

  • It is useful to edit the name of the imported contract.

    • 1) For example rename to KittyCore. Hover over the created name (Account #) and edit text will appear. Click on edit and change the name

    • 2) click Save.

4) Add Mediator (Proxy) contract

  • Copy the contract address: 0x7dB6493D9B6D99D9A240a6914AdAd5e0E8E8BE40.

    • If you deployed your own contract, use the [ Foreign ] Mediator: 0x........ address from deployment step 5 here.

  • Enter Import Account section

  • Select Type: Proxy as type and paste the address of the contract

  • After ABI is loaded, click Import.

  • Rename contract if desired. We rename to Mediator_k.

Now that we have the token and mediator contracts available, we will perform 2 transactions to transfer the token from Kovan to Sokol. First, call the approve method of the token contract, then call the transferToken of mediator contract.

5) Approve Method of Token (KittyCore) Contract

  • Select KittyCore contract in Nifty Wallet and click Execute methods button

You must own the token you are attempting to transfer. You cannot transfer a token owned by another address.

  • 1) Select the approve method

  • 2) in _to parameter, paste the mediator contract address. If you deployed your own contracts, you will use the ([ Foreign ] Mediator 0x......... address) Example:0x7dB6493D9B6D99D9A240a6914AdAd5e0E8E8BE40

  • 3) in _tokenId parameter insert the Id of the token you want to transfer. You can see the tokenIDs you own in the View Kitties in BlockScout instructions.

  • 4) Click Next

  • Select the wallet account that will send the transaction. This must be sent with the account that owns the token.

  • Submit the transaction and wait until it is mined.

6) TransferToken Method of Mediator_k Contract

Now let's call transferToken to make the transfer and bridge the token.

  • Select Mediator_k contract on Nifty Wallet and click the Execute methods button.

  • 1) Select transferToken method

  • 2) in _from parameter paste the address of your account (same as original ownership address) that will receive the token on the other network

  • 3) in _tokenId parameter insert the Id of the token you want to transfer

You must transfer the token to the same wallet address on the other network. You cannot transfer between accounts, the account address must be the same, and the token id must match the id of your owned token.

  • 4) Click Next

  • Select the account that will send the transaction. This can be any account that contains the required amount of KETH to complete the transaction.

  • Submit the transaction and wait until it is mined.

Now the token is locked in the Mediator contract in Kovan. Allow a few seconds to process the transaction, then check the token contract on Sokol to see that the token is minted with the same ID and Metadata.

Transfer Cat: Sokol to Kovan

The process is similar when transferring from Sokol back to Kovan.

You can get Sokol Test Tokens here:

Select Sokol Test Network on Nifty Wallet

1) Add SimpleBridgeKitty contract

  • Copy the contract address: 0xc6a592ED792de33e6CBBF7ce04Dd9D3884B46B9A

  • On Nifty Wallet click on Import Account menu

  • Select Contract as type and paste the address of the contract.

  • Click Import

  • It is useful to edit the name of the imported contract to for example SimpleBridgeKitty

2) Add Mediator contract

  • Copy the contract address: 0x5EeC77239398FE328791E28700CAFddB2990ea97

  • Enter Import Account section

  • Select Proxy as type and paste the address of the contract

  • After ABI is loaded, click on Import button.

Again, two transactions are needed to bridge the token back to Kovan

3) Approve Method of Token (SimpleBridgeKitty) Contract

Follow the steps explained above to call approve method of the token contract.

  • On _to parameter paste the mediator contract address 0x5EeC77239398FE328791E28700CAFddB2990ea97

  • In _tokenId parameter insert the Id of the token you want to transfer. Send transaction with the account where you own the Cat.

4) TransferToken Method of Mediator Contract

Follow the explained steps to call transferToken of mediator contract.

  • On _from parameter paste the address of your account (same account where Cat is owned on Sokol) that will receive the token on the other network

  • In _tokenId parameter insert the Id of the token you want to transfer.


In this case the token is burned in Sokol. After waiting several seconds to allow the AMB bridge perform operations we can check the token contract on Kovan and see that the bridged token is now owned by your account again with the same ID and metadata as before.

Last updated