MyEtherWallet (MEW) Transfer

Use MyEtherWallet with MetaMask to transfer a cat across chains

Transfer a Cat from Kovan to Sokol

You will need a small amount of KETH to complete the transfer. You can obtain here:

In this tutorial we use MetaMask to connect to MyEtherWallet(MEW). Some processes may not work using a different connection method.

1) Login to MyEtherWallet using MetaMask and switch to the Kovan Network.

You will now be connected to Kovan (KOV) through Metamask.

2) Approve the token you will transfer with the bridge

  • Back in MEW, select Contract from the left hand menu (you may need to expand your browser window to see) and enter:

    • 1) Example Contract Address: 0x13ac5c6338796a31a39e74d70b0153c1be5f53b4 (if you deployed a contracts, this will be your KittyCore address)

    • 2) Copied ABI to the ABI/JSON interface text area.

    • 3) Click Continue

  • In the Read/Write Contract Interface

    • 1) choose the approve method from the Select an Item dropdown menu. If you deployed your own contracts, the _toaddress will be the [ Foreign ] foreignMediator: 0x........ address from deployment step 6 here.

    • 2) _to(address): 0x7dB6493D9B6D99D9A240a6914AdAd5e0E8E8BE40

    • 3) _tokenId: insert the Id of the token you own that you want to transfer to Sokol.

    • 4) Value in Eth: Keep at 0

    • 5) Press Write

  • After the success message, confirm the transaction in MetaMask. Once confirmed, Press Back in the MEW interface.

3) Initiate the token transfer:

  • Open a second browser tab to view Mediator contract in BlockScout. Scroll down below the Contract Source Code and copy the Contract ABI code.

  • Add the contract to MEW

    • 1) Contract Address: 0x7db6493d9b6d99d9a240a6914adad5e0e8e8be40 (foreignMediator proxy contract address)

    • 2) Copied ABI to the ABI/JSON interface text area.

    • 3) Click Continue

  • In the Read/Write Contract Interface

    • 1) Execute the transferToken method from the dropdown menu

    • 2) _from : paste your account address (can copy from MetaMask)

    • 3) _tokenId: insert the Id of the token you own

    • 4) Value in Eth: 0

    • 5) Press Write and complete the transaction confirmation through MetaMask

As soon as the transaction is confirmed, the token will be locked in the Mediator contract in Kovan (example: 0x7db6493d9b6d99d9a240a6914adad5e0e8e8be40). Check Token Holders here.

After waiting several seconds to allow for AMB bridge operations, check the token contract on Sokol to confirm the bridge token is minted on Sokol with the same Id and metadata

Transfer Cat from Sokol to Kovan

The process is identical to the above process other than using different contract addresses.

You can get Sokol Test Tokens here:

  1. Make sure that you are on the Sokol network in MEW

  2. Approve the token to be transferred by the bridge:

    • Visit the Kitties contract in Blockscout, go to the Code tab and copy ABI there.

    • Add the contract to MEW by using this example address (or your SimpleBridgeKitty contract address) 0xc6a592ED792de33e6CBBF7ce04Dd9D3884B46B9A and copied ABI.

    • Make a transaction to execute the approve method

      • _to parameter:0x7dB6493D9B6D99D9A240a6914AdAd5e0E8E8BE40, in _tokenId parameter insert the Id of the token you want to transfer.

      • Press Write and confirm the transaction confirmation.

  3. Initiate the token transfer:

    • Visit in another browser tab the Mediator contract in Blockscout and scroll down to copy the ABI

    • Add the contract to MEW by using the address (or your homeMediator proxy contract address)0x5EeC77239398FE328791E28700CAFddB2990ea97 and copied ABI.

    • Make a transaction to execute the transferToken method

      • _from parameter paste the address of your account that will receive the token on the other network

      • _tokenId parameter insert the Id of the token you want to transfer.

      • Press Write and confirm the transaction confirmation.

When the token is transferred in the opposite direction, it is burned in Sokol and unlocked on Kovan. After waiting a couple of seconds to allow the AMB bridge operations, check the token contract on Kovan to see that the token bridged is now owned by your account again (rather than the contract) with the same ID and metadata as before.

Last updated