UI to transfer tokens through AMB

How to develop a web-application to transfer tokens through AMB

This manual describes how to rapidly develop a web-application to transfer tokens using the Arbitrary Message Bridge between the Ethereum Mainnet and the xDai chain. It assumes that an erc-to-erc extension was deployed using these steps.

The application is based on the Burner Wallet 2 interface. Quick launch of a new application is possible with the TokenBridge plugin developed for the Arbitrary Message Bridge mediators.


Before developing the application developing, the following must be prepared:

  • the AMB mediator address responsible for working with the bridgeable tokens

  • the ERC20/ERC677/ERC827 token contract address in the Ethereum Mainnet

  • the ERC677 token contract address deployed together with the mediators

For demonstration purposes, data for the sUSD AMB extension will be used below.


1. Clone the repo with the application template

git clone https://github.com/poanetwork/tokenbridge-burner-wallet-plugin.git
cd tokenbridge-burner-wallet-plugin bw-plugin

2. Add the assets to bridge by creating two files:

  • my-plugin/src/assets/sUSD.ts is for the asset on the Ethereum Mainnet;

  • my-plugin/src/assets/xsUSD.ts is for the ERC677 token created by the erc-to-erc AMB extension deployment process.

import { BridgeableERC20Asset } from '@poanet/tokenbridge-bw-exchange'

export default new BridgeableERC20Asset({
  id: 'susd',    //internal id of the asset
  name: 'sUSD',  //displayed name of the asset
  network: '1',  //chain id (ethereum mainnet)
  address: '0x57ab1e02fee23774580c119740129eac7081e9d3', //token contract address
  bridgeModes: ['erc-to-erc-amb']

3. Rename my-plugin/src/pairs/StakeBridge.ts to my-plugin/src/pairs/sUSDBridge.ts and replace its contents as follows:

import { Mediator } from '@poanet/tokenbridge-bw-exchange'
import { sUSD, xsUSD } from '../index'

// Mediator contract address at the xDai chain
const homeMediatorAddress = '0xD9a3039cfC70aF84AC9E566A2526fD3b683B995B'
// Mediator contract at the Ethereum Mainnet
const foreignMediatorAddress = '0x71F12d03E1711cb96E11E1A5c12Da7466699Db8D'

export default class sUSDBridge extends Mediator {
  constructor() {
      assetA: sUSD.id,
      assetABridge: foreignMediatorAddress,
      assetB: xsUSD.id,
      assetBBridge: homeMediatorAddress

4. Modify my-plugin/src/index.ts to export new assets and the bridgeable pair.

export { default as sUSD } from './assets/sUSD'
export { default as xsUSD } from './assets/xsUSD'
export { default as sUSDBridge } from './pairs/sUSDBridge'

5. Modify wallet/src/index.tsx to operate with new objects:

  • line 10 contains:

    import { sUSD, xsUSD, sUSDBridge } from 'my-plugin'
  • line 15 contains:

    assets: [sUSD, xsUSD]
  • line 19 contains:

    pairs: [new sUSDBridge()]

6. Build the docker image with the wallet.

docker-compose build wallet

7. Run the container locally with the wallet application by specifying the port to listen to and an Infura Project ID which will be used by the application to connect to an Infura JSON RPC node:

docker run -ti -p 8080:8080 -e PORT=8080 \
  -e REACT_APP_INFURA_KEY=YOUR-PROJECT-ID --rm bw-plugin_wallet:latest

8. Wait for the application server to start. The URL address to connect to the wallet application will display:

wallet:   Local:            http://localhost:8080/

9. Run a browser and paste the URL in the terminal (http://localhost:8080/). The browser must have the MetaMask extension installed. The xDai RPC endpoint must be added to MetaMask. Press the "Exchange" button to test a transfer of bridgeable tokens through the AMB.

10. After testing the application, it can either be deployed to a platform like Heroku or the developed pluging can be published as a NPM library and integrated into the Burner Factory: https://github.com/burner-factory/verified-plugins.

Last updated