Corresponding token contract addresses (ETH - XDAI)

Find the analogous token address for tokens bridged on Ethereum and xDai

There are several approaches to discover the token contract on the Ethereum Mainnet that corresponds to the token contract on the xDai chain.

Approach #1: BlockScout

BlockScout allows you to see if a token was bridged using the multi-token extension.

The link available on the token name leads to the token view in the BlockScout:

This view contains information that this token was bridged and a link to the original token.

BlockScout also distinguishes bridged tokens at the Top of the tokens page by specifying the bridged property. A worker which fetches this property checks new unprocessed tokens every 1 minute and updates bridged status and it is bridged, adds a link to the original token.

Approach #2: Mediator storage

The multi-token mediator on the xDai chain (0xf6A78083ca3e2a662D6dd1703c939c8aCE2e268d) provides methods for viewing correspondence of bridgeable tokens:

  • foreignTokenAddress - returns the address of the token contract on the Ethereum Mainnet by specifying the address the token contract on the xDai chain.

  • homeTokenAddress - returns the address of the token contract on the xDai chain by specifying the address of the token contract on the Ethereum chain.

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