Transfer GEN between the ETH Mainnet and the xDai Chain

Instructions on relaying DAOstack tokens through the GEN-xGEN bridge extension

This manual is not intended as an official protocol to transfer GEN tokens through the AMB extension. The actions described below provide an idea about how to automate operations involving the Arbitrary Message Bridge, and demonstrate the transfer process.

It is assumed that accounts executing operations below have a small amount of Ether and xDai for gas fees as well as an amount of GENs to transfer. GEN tokens can be obtained through Uniswap or other exchanges.

For demonstration purposes we use MyEtherWallet (MEW) to move assets from the Ethereum Mainnet to the xDai chain. These actions may be applied to any other wallet with similar capabilities.

Deposit GEN tokens to the xDai chain

  1. GEN is a ERC827-compatible token. If the account that receives tokens is a contract, it is possible to call a method of this contract. The onTokenTransfer method of the mediator contract will be used to notify the mediator contract that some amount of tokens has been sent. We can build the method invocation with

  2. 1) Add the following JSON in the input field:

  • 2) Click Parse

  • 3) Choose onTokenTransfer in the Function type dropdown

  • 4) Enter the _from address. It is the account that will send the GEN tokens.

  • 5) Enter the _value - the amount of tokens (in Wei) to transfer.

  • 6) Leave the _data field empty.

  • 7) Click Copy to copy the content of the ABI-encoded output text field and store it somewhere.

  1. Activate and open a web3 wallet (like MetaMask or Nifty Wallet) and select the Ethereum Mainnet chain. Choose the account that will send the tokens (the same as it was used on the step 1.4). Go to MyEtherWallet (MEW) and select the option to login with a web3 wallet. Next:

  2. 1) Select the Interact with Contract item from the sidebar menu

  3. 2) Initialize the GEN token contract interface by entering the DAOstack token contract address in the Contract Address field: 0x543ff227f64aa17ea132bf9886cab5db55dcaddf.

  4. 3) Add the following JSON in the ABI/JSON Interface field:

  • 4) Click Continue

  1. Fill the parameters to execute the transfer method:

  2. 1) Select transfer from the Select an Item dropdown

  3. 2) Enter the _to address 0x6eA6C65E14661C0BcaB5bc862fE5E7D3B5630C2F. This is the mediator contract serving the bridge extension on the Ethereum Mainnet

  4. 3) Enter the _value - the amount of tokens (in Wei) to transfer. It must be the same as the value specified in the step 1.5.

  5. 4) Enter the _data with the hexadecimal string copied in step 1.7. Prepend the string by 0x symbols.

  6. 5) Press Write to send the tokens.

  1. Check that the Gas price is not set too high, then Submit the transaction with a web3 wallet (like MetaMask or Nifty wallet). Wait to proceed until it is included in the chain.

  2. The AMB bridge requires a short amount time to relay the deposit request to the xDai chain. After some time the xGEN balance of the account that sent the tokens will increase. The result of the relay operation can be monitored in Blockscout (input the final token contract to monitor).

Withdraw GEN tokens from the xDai chain (the interim token)

  1. Choose the xDai chain in the browser wallet extension and login to MyEtherWallet (MEW). Select the Interact with Contract item in the side navigation menu. (note: you must have xGEN tokens in your wallet on the xDai chain to proceed)

  2. Initialize the xGEN bridgeable token contract interface:

  3. 1) Add the token Contract Address 0x3E12081DD66A3600FC0A2E6cc9e6b5B3b8f037f6.

  4. 2) Add the following JSON in the ABI/JSON Interface field:

  • 3) Click Continue.

  1. Transfer the xGEN tokens to the mediator contract:

  2. 1) Select transferAndCall from the the Select an Item dropdown

  3. 2) Enter in the _to address: 0xe47097ceF3B0bcbb0095A21523714bF0022E2DB8. This is the mediator contract serving the bridge extension in the xDai chain.

  4. 3) Enter the _value to transfer in Wei in the _value field.

  5. 4) Enter 0x symbols to the _data field.

  6. 5) Click Write.

  1. Check the gas price, then Submit the transaction through the web3 wallet extension and wait until it is included in the chain.

  2. It will require the AMB bridge some time to transfer tokens to the Ethereum Mainnet. After several minutes, the GEN balance of the account that sent the tokens will increase. The result of the relay operation can be monitored in Etherscan, and should be viewable in your web3 wallet connected to the Ethereum Mainnet.

Withdraw GEN tokens from the xDai chain (the DAOstack token)

These actions are valid only when the xGEN token is represented by DAOstack-developed contract. In this case there are plans to substitute the interim token with a DAOstack contract after some trial period. Until that time the actions below are not applicable - use the way specified for the interim token.

It is assumed that the address of the DAOstack-developed token will be 0x543ff227f64aa17ea132bf9886cab5db55dcaddf.

  1. Prepare the encoded call of the method onTokenTransfer by the same way as it is described by the first step in the section Deposit GEN tokens to the xDai chain.

  2. Choose the xDai chain in the browser wallet extension and login to MyEtherWallet (MEW). The account that will send the tokens must be the same as the account _from used to encode the mediator contract's method in the previous step. (the same as in step 1.4). Go to MyEtherWallet (MEW) and select the option to login with a web3 wallet. Next:

  3. 1) Select the Interact with Contract item from the sidebar menu

  4. 2) Initialize the xGEN token contract interface by entering the DAOstack token contract address in the Contract Address field: 0x543ff227f64aa17ea132bf9886cab5db55dcaddf.

  5. 3) Add the following JSON in the ABI/JSON Interface field:

  • 4) Click Continue

  1. Fill the parameters to execute the transfer method:

  2. 1) Select transfer from the Select an Item dropdown

  3. 2) Enter the _to address 0xe47097ceF3B0bcbb0095A21523714bF0022E2DB8. This is the mediator contract serving the bridge extension on the xDai chain.

  4. 3) Enter the _value - the amount of tokens (in Wei) to transfer. It must be the same as the value encoded in the call of onTokenTransfer.

  5. 4) Enter the _data with the hexadecimal string - encoded value of onTokenTransfer call. Prepend the string by 0x symbols.

  6. 5) Press Write to send the tokens.

  1. Check that the Gas price is not set too high, then Submit the transaction with a web3 wallet (like MetaMask or Nifty wallet). Wait to proceed until it is included in the chain.

  2. It will require the AMB bridge some time to transfer tokens to the Ethereum Mainnet. After several minutes, the GEN balance of the account that sent the tokens will increase. The result of the relay operation can be monitored in Etherscan, and should be viewable in your web3 wallet connected to the Ethereum Mainnet.

Last updated