Transfer SPOA through native-to-ERC20 extension without UI

Instructions on relaying SPOA native tokens through the native-to-ERC20 bridge extension

In order to test transferring SPOA tokens through the bridge extension MyEtherWallet (MEW) can be used. MEW may be used for both types of operations: to swap native tokens to the ERC20 compatible tokens and to swap ERC20 tokens to the native tokens.

Swap SPOA native tokens to ERC20 tokens

1. Activate and open a web3 wallet (like MetaMask or Nifty Wallet) and select the Sokol Testnet. Go to MyEtherWallet (MEW) and select the option to login with a web3 wallet.

2. Send native tokens to the mediator contract:

  • 1) specify the amount of tokens (in ether) and enter the recipient address 0x867949C3F2f66D827Ed40847FaA7B3a369370e13. This is the mediator contract serving the bridge extension in the Sokol testnet.

Note that minimum and maximum transaction amounts are embedded into the bridge.

  • Min per transaction: 0.001 SPOA

  • Max per transaction: 100 SPOA

  • Transaction limit max per day: 1,000.00 SPOA

  • 2) scroll down the page and press Send Transaction

3. Check in a web3 wallet (like MetaMask or Nifty wallet) that the Gas price is not set too high, then Submit the transaction. Wait to proceed until it is included in the chain.

4. It will require the AMB bridge a short amount time to relay the deposit request to the Kovan Testnet. After some time the balance of the same account that sent SPOA tokens will increase. The result of the relay operation can be monitored in Etherscan.

Swap ERC20 tokens to SPOA native tokens

1. Choose the Kovan Testnet in the browser wallet extension and login to MyEtherWallet (MEW). Select to the Interact with Contract item in the side navigation menu.

2. Initialize the ERC20 bridgeable token contract interface:

  • 1) Add the token Contract Address 0xff94183659f549D6273349696d73686Ee1d2AC83.

  • 2) Add the following JSON in the ABI/JSON Interface field:

  • 3) Click Continue.

3. Transfer the ERC20 bridgeable tokens to the mediator contract:

  • 1) Select transfer from the the Select an Item dropdown

  • 2) Enter in the _to address: 0x99FB1a25caeB9c3a5Bf132686E2fe5e27BC0e2dd. This is the mediator contract serving the bridge extension in the Kovan testnet.

  • 3) Enter the value to transfer in Wei in the _value field.

  • 4) Click Write.

Note that minimum and maximum transaction amounts are embedded into the bridge.

  • Min per transaction: 0.001 KSPOA

  • Max per transaction: 100.00 KSPOA

  • Transaction limit max per day: 1,000.00 KSPOA

The transfer method of the bridgeable token contract will automatically notify the mediator contract about the new amount of tokens transferred to the mediator contract account. For this reason, no other action is required from the user side to finish the swap request.

4. Check the gas price, then Submit the transaction through the web3 wallet extension and wait until it is included in the chain.

5. It will require the AMB bridge some time to transfer tokens to the Sokol Testnet. After few seconds, the balance of the account specified as _to in the transfer method call will increase. The result of the relay operation can be monitored in Blockscout, and should be viewable in your web3 wallet connected to the Sokol Testnet.

Last updated